Bollywood’s senior actor and comedian, Mushtaq Khan, was kidnapped and tortured, Indian media reported on Wednesday.
The Street 2 actor was held captive by the kidnappers for 24 hours. According to Shivam Yadav, a close associate of Khan, the actor was abducted under the pretense of attending an event in Meerut. Advance payments and tickets were sent to Mushtaq for the event.
Shivam Yadav further explained that when Mushtaq Khan arrived in Delhi, he was driven to Bijnor, where the kidnappers tortured him and demanded a ransom of Rs 10 million. Khan’s business partner revealed that the kidnappers kept him captive for almost 12 hours, during which they withdrew Rs 200,000 from both Khan’s and his son’s bank accounts.
Mushtaq Khan managed to escape the clutches of his captors when, the following morning, he heard the Fajr prayer and noticed a nearby mosque. Realizing that there was no one around, he seized the opportunity to flee. His escape, described as being reminiscent of a scene from a Hindi film, led him to the mosque where he sought help from the locals and the police, eventually reaching safety.
Khan filed an FIR following his escape, and local authorities are now on the hunt for the kidnappers.
This incident follows a similar case involving another well-known Indian comedian and actor, Sunil Pal, who was also abducted recently under the guise of attending a birthday celebration. Pal was released after paying a ransom.